Thursday, August 15, 2019

Fatigue Management

Fatigue is a massive challenge for anyone with MS. The statistics for the number of people with MS who suffer with fatigue are very much understated, in my opinion. I'm yet to find an MS sufferer who doesn't suffer with fatigue. 

3.5 Month Update

I'm sorry that this has taken so long but I am on summer holidays at the moment, as a teacher, and this means I've been somewhat distracted! I have now been back a number of months and this is my video update that I did a couple of weeks ago. I'm thinking about running a video series on tips for fatigue as I have recently undertaken a six-week MS fatigue management course run by my local NHS MS team.

My Covid Jap Update - An Overdue Post!

 I actually recorded this ages ago but forgot to post it. Hey ho! had both jabs some time back for Covid - Astra Zeneca - but had quite an a...