Friday, September 27, 2019

A Phased Return to Work - Pros and Cons

I have been at work for what must be three and a bit weeks, now. Work have been very supportive in allowing me a phased return, which means that I have only just worked myself up to my full hours. I am a teacher who works four days a week, Monday to Thursday. There is absolutely no doubt that I have found going back to work particularly difficult. I had been out of work since March, and what with the summer holidays, this meant going back to work at the beginning of September, some almost 6 months later. This was certainly a shock to the system.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Back to School! 4.5 Month Update

Sorry, it's been a long time. It's been something like 4 1/2 months since I returned from Russia, possibly more now as this has sat in my text editor for a week... I've had a really good recovery so far, although summer has offered its challenges with some pretty high temperatures here and there. Over the last couple of weeks, I have been getting a little anxious as going back to work for the new academic year has loomed on the horizon ever closer. Well, that horizon has finally arrived! I have been at work for a day and a half last week and all the mornings this week as I am currently undergoing a phased return whereby I slowly work up to my normal hours. 

My Covid Jap Update - An Overdue Post!

 I actually recorded this ages ago but forgot to post it. Hey ho! had both jabs some time back for Covid - Astra Zeneca - but had quite an a...