Wednesday, May 8, 2019

100% Correlation of Glandular Fever/Kissing Disease to MS

It has long been known that glandular fever or the kissing disease, more medically known as Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), has something very important to do with the development of multiple sclerosis. My MS nurse was recently telling me that an awful lot of effort and money has been put into researching this link. It seems that 100% of people who have had glandular fever (EBV) have developed multiple sclerosis. Obviously, this is only a tiny proportion of people who have contracted glandular fever, but the finding is exceptionally important. What this essentially means is that if we can develop a vaccine for glandular fever, then we can effectively wipe out multiple sclerosis. This is great news! Here is a video that lays out some details:

I'm not sure what the study is referred to here, or who the research it is being interviewed, but I have found a very recent (2019) piece of research that shows that 100% of Cypriot MS sufferers investigated had had EBV:

Here's another video from a prominent French researcher, although this one is some 6 years old. It is a TED talk that explains the link in some detail. Obviously, there has been a lot more research since then.

Digging around on YouTube to see the plethora of videos that discuss this link.

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