Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Getting Out and About

I suppose it must be coming up to a month since I have returned from Russia. Things are going really well, although some of my recent stats are a little bit up and down. Generally, I feel good about my recovery and very good about my treatment in Russia. It can be easy to get a little complacent and take things for granted. I know that I'm probably taking risks that perhaps I shouldn't do because I feel quite normal in some of my characteristics, both physical and cognitive. (Some of my characteristics are obviously very much still in the realm of multiple sclerosis!).

This last weekend, I decided to have my first proper visit out into the real world. I went to see my boys play football on Saturday morning where I stood with the rest of the parents. It was great to see my twins in action. I did, of course, take a fold-up camping chair with me so that I could sit down and give my legs a rest at regular intervals. It was nice to update my friends and fellow parents about my progress and Sue feel like I was back in the normal world!

I also went out to the shops with Helen, my partner, on Sunday. Equipped with alcoholic hand rub, we set about going to bed shop and then a DIY store where I met the sister of one of my students who did face time back to her sister to show that she had met Mr Pearce out and about. I got to speak to one of my pupils on face time through her sister, which was quite a surprise for a trip to the DIY store!

Whilst I was certainly tired when returning and had to have a long sit down in a cup of tea, it was good to get out of the house and to do things to help Helen. I do feel a little bit redundant quite a lot of the time as it is the time of year where there is a lot to do in the garden and around the house. However, Helen is taking on the massive lion's share of doing things, physical things. And all I can do is sit and watch and this must be really hard for her, both physically and mentally. But if I do overdo things, then I do get very fatigued.

These are baby steps towards normality, but I think I'm probably ahead of the game in being up to do these things so early in my recovery stop I don't want to chance it, however, and take one step forward and two steps back. I need to be aware of taking undue risks. That said, so far so good.

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