Wednesday, May 1, 2019

My Blood Results AND My Liver/Kidney Function Results

I told you in previous posts that, when I had my blood tests done, they only tested for my haematology. Because I could only find, on my medical records published online, my blood results and not my liver and kidney function results, I thought that they hadn't tested for them. I sent an email through to my GP and spoke as well to my MS nurse to request that these tests were done. I met with my GP on Monday this week and he told me that the tests had been done but they just hadn't been uploaded online. Well, they are there now. So here are all of my results for you to check out. I will talk about them a little bit at the end.

I have talked about my bloods before, but as you can see from the above images. I have four abnormal results. These were completely as to be expected. My red blood cell count (hematocrit here means the proportion of red blood cells to the total blood volume) is low and my platelet volume is low. My lymphocyte count here refers to my general immunity level which is also slightly low. None of these results that were abnormal were particularly low. In other words, I am recovering at a pretty good rate. You can see from the normal range, which they also usefully give you, that my abnormal results are only just below those normal ranges. I'm really looking forward to my results for my second blood test (the blood was taken from me yesterday) to compare these results.

As you can see from the above images, most of my results were normal. There were just two abnormal results which refer to my liver function and my plasma glucose level. My GP told me that neither of these two were to worry about. The levels weren't particularly low and they were to be expected given the treatment that I had had. My partner thought that I looked slightly yellow earlier in the week, which would indicate some form of slight liver issue, but my skin has returned completely to normal.

In conclusion, my liver and kidney functioning seems to be pretty decent and is aligned to the results for my bloods. Everything is moving in the right direction.

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